Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Raw milk advocates endorse Dan Kapanke

I strongly encourage you to vote on August 9, and if you share the beliefs above you have no choice but to vote for Dan Kapanke.

Dan took the time to visit our farm a month ago to talk about the raw milk legislation. He drank our milk, ate our cookies and expressed whole hearted unequivocal support for the unrestricted right of farmers to sell-- and consumers to buy--- unpasteurized raw milk direct from the farm. In his present position as chair of the Senate agriculture committee he is prepared to host a hearing and get the bill through his committee. This is a critically important step to passing a bill.

Meanwhile Jennifer Shilling has been asked repeatedly to support our basic freedom to buy and sell food and says simply, " No. Raw milk is unsafe." The implication is that you and the rest of the public can not be trusted to make your own informed decisions about what to eat. It is implied you first need permission from some really smart person at UW-Madison[ROFL!!] before you go shopping and that St Brigid's farm needs a visit from a really smart inspector from the Dept of Ag before we can sell because without his inspection and threats we would not produce a healthy product. The implication from Jennifer is that you and I are not to be trusted and that we need the government to mange our lives and farms.
St Brigid's Meadow 

Shilling = Doyle.  Did you know a Raw Milk bill passed both Assembly and Senate only to have Jim Doyle veto the measure?  Shilling once again has proven she cannot think for herself but must obey party Corleones and financiers.