Friday, July 15, 2011

Bishop Hying, 20+ years praying outside abortion clinics

On a cold, gray morning last March, Bishop Donald J. Hying prayed with a group of people outside a Milwaukee abortion clinic. Praying at abortion facilities is something he has done for more than 20 years, but it was that day’s experience that he shared as a guest blogger on the Archdiocese of Milwaukee Web site,

In the blog post he described an encounter he had with a woman he identified as having a management position at the abortion clinic.

When he quietly said, “Please stop killing people here,” and added that he will pray for her, the woman reacted with rage, shouting derogatory words and making an obscene gesture as she drove away.

Bishop Hying ended his blog post with: “The abortionists want their deeds to go unseen, unnoticed and unchallenged. By our public prayer and presence, we shine the light of God on a very dark place.”
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