Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Philadelphia's new archbishop

You know what the headlines are likely to be: "Pope names arch-conservative to Philadelphia," or "Hard-liner to take over Philly church." Are you really an arch-conservative and a hard-liner?

I actually don't see myself as a conservative at all. I try to be faithful to the church's teaching, as the church has handed it on to us. I don't feel that as a Christian or as a bishop I have a right to play with that tradition, which is the apostolic tradition of the church ... As an example, I certainly want to be faithful to the Holy Father and his teaching about the traditional expression of the Roman liturgy in the Tridentine form. I supported that and will continue to support that. It isn't, however, my personal interest or direction.
NCR - Exclusive interview with Archbishop Charles Chaput

Everyone else is covering this pretty close.  If you want more info, you can check out NewAdvent for the latest.

Also Regnum Novum has a great 2008 interview of Archbishop Chaput by Peter Robinson.

HT Man with Black Hat