Milwaukee Catholic Herald:
An anguishing, yet determined struggle to save a friend from deportation and certain death in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Congo) led Sr. Josephe Marie Flynn [photo, left, the one in the habit... oh wait, the one in the blue top] to write a book about that battle, which started six years ago. This School Sister of Notre Dame felt called to “expose” the immigration system in the United States [while the system has its faults, which I won't get into here... seriously, is this the greatest issue facing Catholics today?].“It’s hurting the very people we’re pledged to protect,” she said in a recent interview with your Catholic Herald.“The system is so complicated because it’s so big [maybe because government is too big?]. Unless you understand it, you can’t see how it’s hurting people,” she said.Regina Bakala was saved from deportation in 2005 with the help of Sr. Josephe Marie, at the time Adult and Family Christian Formation Director at St. Mary Catholic Faith Community, Hales Corners.The book, “Rescuing Regina: The Battle to Save A Friend from Deportation and Death,” named by the online Huffington Post as “one of the 20 most anticipated books of the summer of 2011,” [applause from HuffPo is never a good sign of... anything] was published in July by Lawrence Hill Books, Chicago.
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