Warning; some off colored lyrics from secular songs
The Badger Catholic is raising awareness about the dangers of Polka music. Please readers, be safe with Polka! Using Polka music improperly can cause brain damage!
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The Catholic TimesLA CROSSE – One state senator has successfully defended his seat and eight others will soon attempt to do so in special State Senate recall elections underway after the bitter battle over Republican Gov. Scott Walker’s removal of collective bargaining rights for most state workers.
Sen. Dan Kapanke
In District 30, Democratic State Sen. David Hansen easily defeated Republican challenger David VanderLeest of Green Bay on July 19 in the first of the recall elections. Due to the other incumbents facing “fake” candidates in the primaries, voters elsewhere will head to the polls on Aug. 9 for seats held by Republicans or on Aug. 16 for seats held by Democrats.
The recall election that affects the biggest swath of the Diocese of La Crosse pits incumbent Republican Sen. Dan Kapanke of La Crosse against Democratic State Rep. Jennifer Shilling, also of La Crosse. They are battling for District 32, which includes La Crosse, Vernon and Crawford counties, as well as part of Richland County.
Also important for Catholics elsewhere in the diocese are the races in District 10, where Sen. Sheila Harsdorf (R-River Falls) faces Democrat Shelly Moore, a teacher and union leader also from River Falls; in District 12, where Sen. Jim Holperin (DConover) is being challenged by Republican Kim Simac, a small business owner from Eagle River; and in District 14, where Sen. Luther Olsen (R-Ripon) is pitted against Rep. Fred Clark (D-Baraboo).
While the recall effort is being billed as a referendum on Walker’s collective bargaining law, the state’s two largest prolife organizations are sounding a note of caution because voters’ anger could catapult several pro-abortion politicians into office and put into danger a number of legislative efforts to protect human life from the first moment of conception.
“People of good will can disagree on the collective bargaining law,” Matt Sande, legislative director for Pro-Life Wisconsin, told The Catholic Times.[The Wisconsin Bishops' essentially said the same thing, even if their statement was spun like a top.] “But the life issues are paramount for Catholic voters. The right to life is the right upon which all other rights stand.”
The political action committees of both PLW and Wisconsin Right to Life have endorsed Republican candidates in all the recall elections. Sande, however, emphasized that the endorsements are not meant to be partisan, but instead an indication of the candidates’ pro-life voting records or statements. “We’re not a partisan organization,” he said. “We’ve endorsed Democrats in the past.”
Both Sande and Susan Armacost of WRTL singled out Kapanke as a particularly strong pro-life leader in the State Senate.
“Dan has been a champion for the rights of unborn children,” Armacost said in an interview with The Catholic Times. “To lose someone of his caliber would be a tragedy.”
“I’ll always be a steady vote on the pro-life issues,” Kapanke said in an interview with The Catholic Times. “Who is going to speak up for those who can’t speak for themselves, whether it be the poor, the elderly or the unborn? Life is a gift from God and should be treated as such.”
Sen. Kapanke, who was raised on a 200-acre dairy farm near Coon Valley, is a graduate of UW-La Crosse. He and his family attend Immanuel Lutheran Church there. The owner of the minor league La Crosse Loggers and a former Marine reservist, Sen. Kapanke was a district sales manager for Kaltanberg Seed Farms. He first took up politics as board member for the Town of Campbell and was first elected to the Senate in 2004.
Rep. Shilling, whose campaign staff ignored repeated requests from The Catholic Times to make her available for an interview, is endorsed by Planned Parenthood for the recall election, and was also endorsed by NARAL Pro-Choice Wisconsin for her 2010 reelection to the State Assembly. She has a notable pro-abortion voting record, including, most recently, her vote to preserve funding for Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin. In the 2007-08 session she voted against legislation to create a state ban on partial-birth abortion. She has also voted in favor of embryonic stem cell research and against legislation to protect the conscience rights of healthcare professionals.
According to her campaign Web site, Shilling and her family are members of Wesley United Methodist Church in La Crosse. A graduate of UW-La Crosse like Sen. Kapanke, she was a legislative aid in Madison and in the La Crosse office of U.S. Rep. Ron Kind. She served as La Crosse County Supervisor before her election to the State Assembly in 2000.
In the Assembly, Rep. Shilling serves or has served on the Legislature’s Joint Committee on Finance and the Assembly’s committees on Health and Health Care Reform and on Rules.
Her campaign literature indicates that she is running for the Senate because Sen. Kapanke “stopped listening” to his constituents in voting for Gov. Walker’s proposal.
In a letter to the La Crosse Tribune in May, Rep. Shilling highlighted a listening session she held on the state budget in La Crosse after the Joint Finance Committee moved its hearing from Arcadia to Neenah.
“While a total of six people spoke in favor of the governor’s budget,” she wrote, “the vast majority was opposed and expressed the importance of a quality education system, crucial job training programs, our natural resources and cost-saving health programs.”
Sen. Kapanke rejected the suggestion that he had stopped listening to voters in voting for the governor’s budget. “That couldn’t be more than 180 degrees from the truth,” he told The Catholic Times, listing the packed town hall meetings he attended in Viroqua, Cashton and elsewhere before the vote.
“I could have voted the other way and there would have been no recall,” Sen. Kapanke said. “But I looked at what we’ve been doing in Wisconsin the last ten years, both Democrats and Republicans. We’ve been fiscally irresponsible. Looking at the structural deficit, something had to be done.”
continue at Catholic EducationWell, we've been talking about beauty. Let's talk more about the beauty of language, and thus talk a little more about language.
JRR Tolkien; continue to see how he fits in.
The goal of the philosopher is logos. Logos, like its Chinese counterpart tao, is an incomparably profound and multivalent word which has many meanings, essentially three. First, the ultimate nature of things, the one source of all essential reality and intelligibility. Second, human intelligence, wisdom, understanding, truth, as the knowledge of that essential reality. Thirdly, right language, right communication or speech or word or argument, that is, the expression of that knowledge.
This year, Kat Wagner of the Catholic Herald, official newspaper of the Diocese of Madison, is traveling to World Youth Day to be with the Madison pilgrims as they experience this worldwide gathering of young Catholics. The dates are August 8 to 24. The Diocese is teaming up with St. Paul University Catholic Center to sponsor this pilgrimage to Madrid, Spain.Follow all the action at madisoncatholicherald.wordpress.com
As World Youth Day draws closer, more information is being released on the many events that will be happening as a part of the six-day event, as well as hosted by other organizations.
The “Love and Life Centre: A Home for English-speaking Pilgrims” today released its schedule of events to be held at the center during the days of WYD. The schedule includes a variety of programs and speakers designed to appeal to pilgrims of all ages and can be accessed at wydenglishsite.org
Highlights include newly appointed archbishop of Philadelphia Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, Knights of Columbus Supreme Knight Carl Anderson, Hollywood actors Matt Marsden and Clarence Gilyard, FOCUS president Curtis Martin, and such musical performers as Alexander Acha, Dana Scallon, Scythian, and LAngelus.
My name is Adam Laski. I’m a seminarian for the Diocese of Superior. I just finished my fourth year at St. John Vianney College Seminary and will be continuing on in preparation for the priesthood at St. Paul Seminary next fall.Totus Tuus - Diocese of Superior
Ever since I began to have a reversion to the Catholic faith in my sophomore year of high school the Lord has been pulling on my heart to evangelize. That sophomore year, I started talking with a seminarian from the diocese who cared enough to sit down and teach me about my faith. First, I realized how greatly I desired the truth, and what it meant for my life – if what the Catholic Church teaches actually is true. Then, I felt a certain necessity in my heart to do the same for others. How could it be that I had been Catholic for so many years, but never cared about my faith? I do not doubt that I was taught it, but rather, I was never taught the truth by someone who had such zeal.
That is why I’m excited to lead the Totus Tuus program this summer. From my past work with Totus Tuus in the Diocese of Superior, I believe this program gives youth an opportunity to meet a team of young faithful who are on fire to preach what is true about Jesus Christ and the Catholic Church. They love Mary, they love the Sacraments, and they want to share that with everyone they meet. I hope that this summer gives the Totus Tuus Team a chance to preach the Good News and will provide the youth in our diocese an opportunity to hear it. I hope that the work that I do this summer will aid in the continuation of the program in the diocese, and will help the summer run smoothly for the Totus Tuus Team.
In Christ through Mary,
-Adam J Laski
At a Kansas City conference on end-of-life care, Cardinal Raymond Burke said that suffering does not cause a person to have less meaning in his life, nor does it give the government the right to decide if that person should live or die.details at Catholic News Agency
“No matter how much a life is diminished, no matter what suffering the person is undergoing, that life demands the greatest respect and care,” Cardinal Burke, prefect of the Apostolic Signatura, told CNA.
“It's never right to snuff out a life because it's in some way under heavy burden.”
Cardinal Burke spoke July 23 to a packed auditorium of over 350 people at the Archdiocese of Kansas City, Kan. on the “mystery” of human suffering and dying for his keynote address at the “Being Faithful, Even Unto Death” conference.
As part of the process of its Chapter 11 reorganization, the Archdiocese of Milwaukee is required to publicize the claims bar dates. These dates are the deadlines for individuals to file their claim against the archdiocese.ArchMil.org
The deadline for anyone who wishes to make a clergy abuse claim against the Archdiocese of Milwaukee is February 1, 2012 at 4:00 pm (Prevailing Central Time).
A second bar date has been set for general creditors in the financial reorganization of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. The General Bar Date is October 17, 2011 at 4:00 pm (Prevailing Central Time).
Part of this process is providing notice to people who may have a claim. As such, I have asked parishes and schools in the archdiocese to publicize this date in various ways within their community.
For more information about the claims bar date or about how to file a claim, please go to the archdiocesan website.
The archdiocese is committed to fair and equitable compensation for abuse survivors and to continuing its outreach to those who have been harmed. As a Church, we remain vigilant in our efforts to keep children safe. Through this Chapter 11 process, we can continue to move forward, providing the necessary services and ministries to parishes and schools, and all those who rely upon the Church for support.
I honestly didn’t really “find” my vocation, because I never actually went looking for it. Instead, it’s something I sort of stumbled into.read the whole article at The Art of Manliness
The idea for the Art of Manliness came to me in 2008 as I was browsing the men’s magazine section in a bookstore. It occurred to me that every month the men’s magazines put out the same old stuff: how to get six pack abs, how to bed as many women as possible, how to go on exotic trips most men will never be able to afford, and how to buy clothes that were well outside my budget. Most of the content just didn’t appeal to me. “Surely there is more to being a man than this,” I thought.
As I was driving home, my mind turned from the magazines to the men I knew who were my age, 20-somethings, recent college graduates. It seemed to me that a lot of them were a little lost in life. Many had grown up without the strong influence of a father–they came from divorced families, or if their dad was in the picture, he worked a lot and hadn’t spent too much time with his son. Even when guys had come from stable, loving, two parent families, they often felt a sense of restlessness or drift–they weren’t sure what to do with their lives, or even what they should want out of life. And they weren’t sure what it meant to be a good man.
I realized that I didn’t really know either. And that it was hard to blame us–the popular culture certainly didn’t offer any answers. The men on sitcoms and commercials were always presented as bumbling, dithering idiots that couldn’t do anything right; their more competent wives were left to roll their eyes and clean up their messes. And the men in movies were either meatheads who liked to blow stuff up, or immature man-children (I’m looking at you Judd Apatow).
Finally, I thought about my grandpa. The man was far from perfect, but he sure knew how to do a lot of things that I didn’t. It seemed like many of the skills and traditions that had been passed down from generation to generation had stopped being taught.
By the time I got home, an idea for a new blog was percolating in my head. I decided to start a totally new kind of men’s magazine. One with the kind of stuff I’d actually want to read. One that helped men understand what it meant to be a man and gain a sense of direction in their lives. A magazine that rediscovered the classic skills of yesteryear so that men could feel confident and competent in a variety of situations. Something that could be both serious and fun. A magazine that could inspire men to reach for excellence and attain their full potential.
I definitely wasn’t approaching it as an expert who wanted to share his vast wisdom with others. I didn’t consider myself especially manly, I didn’t have some long standing interest in manliness, and I hadn’t really studied the subject at all. I approached it from the perspective that like a lot of guys out there, I had a bunch of questions that I didn’t have the answers to, so I would dive into the best research I could find, and then share what I had discovered on the blog. Instead of telling other men what to do, they could use the information as a catalyst to think about their own lives and make the changes that were best for them.
With that in mind, I started the Art of Manliness in 2008. I figured it could be a fun hobby, something I could work on as a side project while I made a career as a lawyer. I thought maybe a few hundred guys would discover it and find it helpful.
Of course three and a half years later, the Art of Manliness has grown to a 100,000 subscriber blog and become my full-time job. I’m still not an expert in manliness–still just a guy looking for the answers. But along the way I found my vocation. Not by looking within, and deciding that a website for men was what I was born to do, but simply by noticing a problem, and working as hard as possible to fill that void.
This text should be vaguely familiar.Dad29
[Man has been given] the right to life, to bodily integrity, to the necessary means of existence; the right to tend toward his ultimate goal in the path marked out for him....; the right of association and the right to possess and use property.
Earlier we had mentioned that the Founders' core beliefs, as expressed in the Declaration, were Christian beliefs. They are not those of the French Revolution, nor of Locke, et.al. Rather, they are Burkean.
Oh, the quote?
Pius XII, Divini Redemptoris, para. 27.
The document is, in the main, a vigorous rejection of Communism (and Libertarianism) and of "liberal" (i.e., material-centered) economics.
The question in Wisconsin was whether public employees should have the same right to collective bargaining as employees at private companies. The 1935 U.S. National Labor Relations Act officially recognized the right to collective bargaining for private-sector workers. Critics argue that public employees inherently have more leverage than employees of private businesses. Public employees can elect their own bosses. What’s more, public-sector workers won’t moderate their demands for fear that their employer—the government—will go bankrupt in the same way that private-sector employees must do.entire article at US Catholic
“One has to make a distinction between unions as they were conceived in social teaching and unions that exist on the basis of taxpayer funding,” says Patrick Carey, professor of theology at Milwaukee’s Marquette University.
The following day, Bishop Robert Morlino of Madison issued a clarifying letter. Listecki and the Wisconsin Catholic Conference, Morlino wrote, had taken a neutral position, neither supporting the governor nor supporting the unions. He quoted Pope John Paul II’s Laborem Exercens: “Just efforts to secure the rights of workers who are united by the same profession should always take into account the limitations imposed by the general economic situation of the country.”
Right-wing bloggers praised Morlino for reining in the Wisconsin Catholic Conference’s support for the unions. The media cited his comments as evidence of divisions within the hierarchy.
“People may say the bishops cherry-picked from the encyclicals,” says John Huebscher, executive director of the Wisconsin Catholic Conference. “The answer is to urge people to go read the encyclicals for themselves.” [Isn't the bishops' office a teaching office?]
“As Catholics have become more affluent, the church’s teachings sometimes bump up against a Catholic’s economic self-interest,” says Huebscher of the Wisconsin Catholic Conference. “So the church has a greater challenge in teaching.”
Huebscher thinks the church is teaching the social encyclicals, but the evidence is sketchy. “How many laypeople have ever been taught anything about the Catholic encyclicals?” asks Marquette’s Carey.[We know all Marquette grads have Humane Vitae memorized] “It doesn’t surprise me that Catholic laypeople don’t necessarily support unions. The culture can teach more easily by osmosis than the church can.”
“When I talk with priests around the country, they say the church’s social teaching is the subject they feel least comfortable addressing,” says Father Bryan Massingale, associate professor of theology at Marquette.[Less comfortable than gay marriage apparently] “They tell me their two weakest courses in seminary were homiletics and social justice.”
An Indiana man is painting new life into a quiet hallway at Holy Hill.gmtoday.com
Scott Dercks, of Fort Wayne, recalls visiting the National Shrine of Mary Basilica with his father when he was 8 or 9 years old. Murals along the wall on either side of the second floor walkway are labeled with a litany to Mary - "Queen of Angels," "Mother of the Savior," "Queen of All Saints."
"I always wondered what the symbols meant," said Dercks, who is originally from Muskego.
That curiosity stayed with him during his studies at Indiana Wesleyan University, when he received his master's degree at the University of St. Francis in Forty Wayne and as an art teacher at Northrop High School.
While visiting the area last year, he was surprised to see the level of decay the murals had fallen into.
"They were in such disrepair - stains, mold, cracks. I felt called to do something about it," said Dercks.
He wrote the Discalced Carmelite Friars to ask permission to refurbish the paintings. Included in his letter were photos of the set design he had done in college and for the school's theater department. After a few months, the friars agreed to his request.
"We continue to be inspired by the faith of the men and women who help maintain the Shrine. Scott's work will be seen and appreciated by the many pilgrims who travel here seeking God and the intercession of Mary, Help of Christians at this beautiful Basilica," said Holy Hill Prior the Rev. Jude Peters.
Dercks received a grant from the Lilly Endowment that covers his travel and art expenses and the work is being done at no cost to the shrine.
He is currently living in the guest house at the shrine.
"It's a simple room and it gives me time to paint, pray and contemplate," says Dercks.
On July 15, he was working to complete the overhead mural that reads "Holy Trinity - One God" in the Marian Hallway.
He said traditionally, the three linked rings symbolize the Holy Trinity, but he also sees it as a link between God, himself and others.
He said it is one thing to view each symbol independently, but another to see them as a whole message.
Taken together under a rainbow depicted on the overarching wall, Dercks sees it to mean that we are all very different, but all loved by God.
Dercks said a painted eye inside a triangle, similar to one found on the back of currency, symbolize the watchful eye of God.
"It keeps us honorable, keeps us watchful and keeps us in the presence that our way is not always God's way," said Dercks.
Perhaps his favorite is the symbol of the Holy Spirit and the seven gifts, which Dercks interprets as a symbol of peace.
"Peace is so important, especially in our modern times. In modern day society, we don't seek peace as often as we should. Peace is a powerful gift," said Dercks.
He also finds that peaceful spirit inhabits the Marian Hallway.
"It wants you to be quiet. You want to observe it and fell it," said Dercks.
After completing restoration on the main mural, Dercks plans on cleaning, patching and sealing the Marian litanies.
"Somebody put a lot of love in these murals. They should be around for another generation," said Dercks.
The Rev. Cyril Guise said the original paintings were done about 45 years ago by Brother Francis Enders. He said the Marian Hallway also contains historical artifacts from the shrine, including a model of the first church on the site and a reproduction of the first wooden cross that marked the glacial hill in 1674.
Dercks said considering the murals were done in tempera paint nearly five decased ago he is surprised the murals are still around. The hall is open to the elements on one end.
I strongly encourage you to vote on August 9, and if you share the beliefs above you have no choice but to vote for Dan Kapanke.St Brigid's Meadow
Dan took the time to visit our farm a month ago to talk about the raw milk legislation. He drank our milk, ate our cookies and expressed whole hearted unequivocal support for the unrestricted right of farmers to sell-- and consumers to buy--- unpasteurized raw milk direct from the farm. In his present position as chair of the Senate agriculture committee he is prepared to host a hearing and get the bill through his committee. This is a critically important step to passing a bill.
Meanwhile Jennifer Shilling has been asked repeatedly to support our basic freedom to buy and sell food and says simply, " No. Raw milk is unsafe." The implication is that you and the rest of the public can not be trusted to make your own informed decisions about what to eat. It is implied you first need permission from some really smart person at UW-Madison[ROFL!!] before you go shopping and that St Brigid's farm needs a visit from a really smart inspector from the Dept of Ag before we can sell because without his inspection and threats we would not produce a healthy product. The implication from Jennifer is that you and I are not to be trusted and that we need the government to mange our lives and farms.
A second lawsuit was filed last week in Nodaway County Circuit Court alleging that a former monk there, who was also an ordained priest, abused a teenage boy in the early 1980s.Maryville Daily
The alleged victim, identified only as John Doe 48, claims in the suit that he was abused by Fr. Bede Parry, a choir director at the abbey and seminary college east of Maryville, and that the abuse consisted of being coerced into various sex acts between 1982 and 1984. Illegal activity described in the lawsuit included oral sex in addition to fondling and kissing.
Parry, 69, is not named as a defendant in the suit, which claims the abbey sought to cover up the assaults, and that Parry's superior knew about the incidents but failed to take appropriate action by removing the monk from his post.
The abbot in charge of Conception Abbey at the time was Fr. Jerome Hanus, who later served as bishop of Saint Cloud, Minn., and is currently archbishop of Dubuque, Iowa.
Confronted by the alleged victim's parents, Hanus, according to the lawsuit, told them that Parry had suffered a "mental breakdown" for which he would receive treatment. In fact, the suit alleges, Parry confessed to his superior that he had been involved in three previous inappropriate sexual relationships.
The lawsuit states that Parry was ultimately sent to a Catholic treatment center in New Mexico for three months and later worked for several churches in the Southwest before becoming an Episcopal clergyman.
Rep. Gwen Moore (D-Milwaukee) added comic relief to the formal presentation portion of the evening, introducing Speaker Pelosi and joking about how she was proud to be one of “Nancy’s girls.” As Pelosi took the stage, Moore even blew her a kiss.Read the rest here.
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St. James the Moor-slayer |
A tradition states that St. James the Apostle, the patron of Spain, miraculously appeared to fight for the Catholic army during the battle of Clavijo, and was henceforth called Matamoros (Moor-slayer). Santiago y cierra España ("St James and strike for Spain") has been the traditional battle cry of Spanish armies.
“ St James the Moorslayer, one of the most valiant saints and knights the world ever had ... has been given by God to Spain for its patron and protection. ”St. James(at Compostela) is one of 3 apostles(the others being St. Peter in Rome and St. Thomas in Chennai, India) to have reasonable claims to the whereabouts of their bodies.
—Cervantes, Don Quixote
On Saturday, July 9, His Excellency, the Most Reverend William P. Callahan, Bishop of LaCrosse, Wisconsin, made his first pastoral visit to St. Mary’s Oratory in Wausau and conferred the Sacrament of Confirmation in the Extraordinary Form on sixty-five candidates. Over one third of the candidates are faithful who attend the Institute’s apostolate at Saint Mary’s in Cashton, Wisconsin, which is also located in the Diocese of LaCrosse.
Bp Callahan at St. Mary's Oratory in Wausau
Following the Confirmations, Canon Matthew Talarico, Vice-Provincial, celebrated a Solemn High Mass in the presence of Bishop Callahan. His Excellency was assisted during the Confirmations and the Mass by Canon William Avis, provincial Master of Ceremonies for the Institute’s US province, by Canon Henrique Fragelli, Rector of Saint Mary’s in Wausau, and by Canon Glenn Gardner, Rector of the Institute’s apostolate in Cashton.
Superior TelegramIron River: The 2011 Lion’s Blueberry Festival Polka Mass begins at 10 a.m. with Bishop Peter F. Christensen of the Diocese of Superior, at Moon Lake Park, County Highway H, one mile south of U.S. Highway 2. Music provided by the “Singing Slovenes,” a popular group of musicians from Gary-New Duluth well known for their Polka Mass” and ethnic music. The group will also perform after the Mass for the enjoyment of the visitors at the Blueberry Festival.
Bp Christensen celebrating a "Polka Mass" in 2008
Diocese of Superior is definitely a liturgical back-water. Please pray for us.Let's all stop for a moment and say a prayer for the liturgical renewal for our brothers and sisters to the north.
2008 Festa Italiana Mass with Bp. Callahan Archbishop Jerome Listecki will be celebrating the Sunday Mass at 11:00 a.m. and leading the Procession following on Sunday, July 24 at the Marcus Amphitheatre.Hunger Task Force will be collecting nonperishable food items on Festa Sunday, upon entrance to Mass outside of the South gate.A chorus from Naples (Campania), Italy comprised of 32 men and women will perform for the first time at Festa Italiana. Il Coro Polifonico Flegreo, founded in 2001, is under the direction of Maestro Nicola Capano.The chorus will perform daily at the festival, which runs from Thursday, July 21 to Sunday, July 24. In addition, the singers from Italy will join with the Festa Italiana choir to provide music for the Sunday Mass in the Marcus Amphitheater. For the post-Communion meditation, the chorus from Italy will sing Pietro Mascagni’s version of “Ave Maria.”The organizers of Festa Italiana’s Sunday Mass are once again extending an open invitation to interested singers throughout the area to be part of the choir for that liturgy. The Mass, which is one of the key components of Festa Italiana, will be held on July 24 at 11 a.m. in the Marcus Amphitheater.Michael Kamenski, music liturgist at St. Sebastian’s Catholic Church in Milwaukee and conductor of the Menomonee Falls Symphony Orchestra, will again direct the choir for the Festa Mass.“Mike and Dr. Marisa Gatti-Taylor will coach the choir members in learning the Italian lyrics of some of the hymns, so no previous knowledge of Italian is required,” explained Vivian Balistreri and Sal LoCoco, co-chairs of the Festa Mass Committee.
Because of an editing error, the caption to a photograph accompanying an article in Thursday's print edition about the installation of Bishop Donald Hying incorrectly stated that retired Archbishop Rembert Weakland was shown with Hying and former Milwaukee Archbishop Timothy Dolan. That person actually was Bishop Richard Sklba.MJS
I am pleased to send you the brochure for this year’s annual conference, returning to Mundelein on August 4-7. We will dedicate our time together to the memory of Fr. John Harvey, OSFS, in gratitude for his spiritual fatherhood. I have asked several of our speakers to share their reflections on Fr. Harvey’s influence in their lives and his role in leading Courage and EnCourage for almost three decades.Also a few promising notes on the COURAGE apostolate.
As you will see, we are blessed with a wonderful lineup of speakers and participants. His Eminence Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke, Prefect of the Apostolic Signatura, will offer the opening Mass, and he will give the opening talk that evening. The Cardinal was a close friend of Father Harvey, going back to the days prior to his being made Bishop of La Crosse, WI. His Eminence is one of Courage’s most faithful and strongest promoters among the Church’s shepherds.
Four other prelates will also join us. Bishop Thomas Olmstead of Phoenix will offer Mass on Friday and give a talk that morning. Longtime former Courage chaplain Bishop John LeVoir of New Ulm, MN will offer Mass on Saturday, and Bishop Thomas Paprocki of Springfield, IL will offer the closing Mass on Sunday. Longtime former Courage chaplain Bishop Mark Seitz, auxiliary bishop of Dallas, will also join us on Thursday and Friday. Fr. Benedict Groeschel and Dr. Richard Fitzgibbons will also be with us.
We have worked hard to keep the cost of the conference as low as possible: $350. If you need a scholarship, please apply for consideration by writing a letter to the main office. If you would like to provide a scholarship, please let me know or simply send your gift to the office. May God reward your generosity.
I also want to thank Michelle Willis for her great work with our new website. We have many plans to continue to expand its content. And though he did not make the move to the new office in CT, Angelo continues to be an invaluable help as a part-time contractor. I cannot imagine not relying on his experience and expertise. Also, he and Jerry work closely together on many tasks.HT Father Z
Please think back for a moment to the day before you heard about Courage or EnCourage. You were very likely searching for answers, understanding, compassion, guidance and help…in short, the pastoral charity of the Church. Sadly, we know that many people are not aware of Courage and EnCourage, for a variety of reasons. To address that challenge, we are undertaking two projects.
- First, EWTN has invited Courage to produce a 5 part series (30 minute segments) covering material very similar to what we present at a clergy study day, and to include EnCourage.
- The second project, which I believe holds considerable promise for reaching many people, is a documentary film. We are still considering the form and scope of this work, and in time I will be grateful for suggestions and assistance, as I desire that the finished product reflect a lived-experience of Courage and EnCourage members that will offer hope for many other people. We want as wide an audience as possible.
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DPW won't let me in public for some reason... Could it be because my Democrats left the state with a 5 billion dollar deficit? ..... that Jennifer Shilling voted for .... |
Rep. Jennifer Shilling, in announcing her candidacy for state Senate, said she wants Wisconsin to get back to being a state she's proud to represent.
Would that be the state of disaster left after eight years of control by Democrats and Gov. Jim Doyle?
A state that necessitated near draconian measures by Gov. Scott Walker to keep us from bankruptcy?
Would that be the state of denial, where your party's lawmakers cut and run to Illinois to avoid doing their jobs?
Would that be the state of anarchy where supporters of your party trash the Capitol?
Would that be the state of favoritism, where Democrats support only special interest labor and not all Wisconsin workers?
And with this record, you want to replace Sen. Dan Kapanke?
Would that be the same man who understood the gravity of our state's financial position and acted appropriately?
Would that be the same man who has always been a leader in our community, a legendary contributor to youth baseball and the man who brought us the Loggers?
I hope Jennifer is not successful. I hope the people do not let her rob us of a good public servant who is concerned with all the people, not just special interest groups.
KENOSHA-A Catholic priest made a tearful apology after pleading guilty to calling two teenager parishoners and making lewd and sexual comments.CBS58
It happened while he served at the St. Theresa Parish. One of the vicitm's mothers also spoke in court. She had tears as well as she told the judge how her daughter's life had been shattered. Nowak remains suspended from the Archidocese. Father Nowak was given 60 days in jail, but 30 days credit for time served.
The nomination of Charles Chaput, Native American bishop from Denver, to the Archdiocese of Philadelphia confirms Raymond Leo Burke, prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura, as Benedict XVI’s top advisor in the United States. One of the first signs of his role as a bridge between the influential United States Conference of Bishops and the pontifical apartment was the appointment of Timothy Michael Dolan as successor to Cardinal Edward Egan in New York.full article at Vatican Insider
Dolan, who is currently conducting a vigorous and efficient battle against the increasingly anti-Catholic positions of the New York Times (which a few months ago refused to publish his reply to a polemical article against the Church) is certainly in sympathy with Burke, and with the American bishops who must face new initiatives from the Obama presidency every day.
But someone (or Someone with a capital “S”) in the Vatican holds the frankness and clarity of vision of the head of the Vatican Supreme Court, in high esteem.
Someone knows - and benefits from - his deep knowledge of people and things overseas, and his ability to identify solutions in terms of candidates for dioceses that are gradually freeing themselves, in a Church still shaken by the financial and public relations aftershocks of the paedophilia scandal.
Charles Chaput was initially supposed to be appointed as Archbishop of Chicago, replacing the ill Cardinal George in the great lakeside diocese. But fortunately, the head of the diocese still feels able to manage his role with dignity and efficiency, when his illness is not acting up. Thus it is not at all certain when he will need to be replaced.
This uncertainty has not escaped many in the Curia: it is believed, especially by Burke, that Chaput will shortly be assured a diocese that will rather rapidly (some sources say a Consistory will be held at the end of this year or the beginning of the next) win him the cardinal’s berretta.
According to rumours flying around, behind the Leonine Wall during John Paul II’s pontificate, and in the first years of Benedict XVI’s pontificate, one of the great “puppeteers” of the appointment of overseas bishops was the current prefect of the Pontifical Household, Archbishop James Michael Harvey. He seems to still be hanging onto the role, but - if one believes certain sources – it has been greatly reduced with the arrival of Raymond Leo Burke. The next few months brings a deadline for many American bishops; then we will see what influence the new prefect for bishops - Canadian Marc Ouellette - and Burke himself will have in changing the episcopal face of the Stars and Stripes.
Over the weekend we visited Joel’s family near Milwaukee and on Saturday headed into the city to visit the Betty Brinn Children’s Museum (a great experience for the whole family!). After several hours exploring, we made our way to Balistreri’s Italian American Ristorante for some of the best darn pizza a person can find anywhere in the United States! As we neared the restaurant, I spotted this sign from the corner of my eye.continue at The Practicing Catholic
Milwaukee's newest Catholic bishop blessed the hundreds gathered for his ordination Wednesday, promising to serve them as their pastor and, in characteristic humility, crediting them with bringing him to that day.MJS
"This man's the real deal. He genuinely values people. He will be a very popular bishop," said Father Steven Avella, a Marquette University history professor who taught Hying at the seminary and carried his wooden crosier, or bishop's staff, in the procession of clergy into the cathedral.
Wednesday's Mass drew a number of bishops, mostly from the Midwest, as well as Milwaukee native Archbishop James Harvey, who heads the papal household in Rome. Hying's four living brothers took part in the service, bringing the offertory gifts - the bread and wine - to their brother and his fellow bishops to be consecrated.
Listecki, who celebrated the Mass along with Dolan and Sklba, called Hying a servant-leader, saying, "Today is a proud day for the whole church (and) the faithful of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee."
Hying, who spoke in both English and Spanish during the Mass, acknowledged the oppressive heat outside the mercifully air-conditioned cathedral, saying it appears "God wants me to sweat from the very beginning."
Hying's humility appears to have played a role in the selection of the venue for the new bishop's celebratory dinner.
After Wednesday's Mass, friends and family gathered at St. Francis De Sales - the seminary where Hying visited his older brother as a child and would later go on to lead.
"These kinds of dinners would normally be at the Pfister or Hyatt," said Avella. "But he chose to have it at the seminary. It's home."
Fr. Hying’s shoelaces once sold for $75 eachThe whole article at MilCathHerald: Lesser-known facts about Bishop Don Hying
There are many reasons why receiving communion on the tongue is superior. First, reception on the tongue is the universal norm. Places, such as the United States, that are allowed to receive in the hand are only allowed by an indult, which is an exception to the law, and as such, may be withdrawn at any time. In no way does this indult make communion in the hand required for anyone, but it simply allows it for those who wish to take advantage of it.The rest from Mr. Yanke
There are also some serious issues with reverence when Holy Communion is received in the hand. The Catechism of the Council of Trent explains this well (emphasis mine):Nor should it be forgotten that Christ, whole and entire, is contained not only under either species, but also in each particle of either species. Each, says St. Augustine, receives Christ the Lord, and He is entire in each portion. He is not diminished by being given to many, but gives Himself whole and entire to each. 1
The Vatican International Exhibit of the Eucharistic Miracles of the World was a big success here at St. Joseph Church in Hayward (June 30-July4). This also included the display of 17 relics of the saints in the Adoration chapel which were on loan to us from the Sisters of the Servants of Mary in Ladysmith. We had 600 visitors which was very encouraging.
On September 7, 2011, the John Paul II Academy of Classical Education (JPII) holds its first day of school on the campus of Chapel Heights United Methodist Church, 300 Hamilton Avenue in Eau Claire. John Ruplinger, Headmaster for the JPII Academy, likes the central location for students from around the Chippewa Valley.For more information on the John Paul II Academy of Classical Education, go to www.johnpaul2academy.org.
“The format for a classical classroom is different from traditional school rooms,” says Ruplinger, who has eight years of classical education teaching experience. He points out that classical methods do not lean on memorization of textbook facts but encourage careful reading and discussion of the actual writings of history. “The large classroom and gathering areas, beautiful grounds and central courtyard at Chapel Heights offer ample room for students to meet and learn in a more relaxed and varied atmosphere,” Ruplinger states.
The John Paul II Academy is currently taking applications for middle and high school students from around the Chippewa Valley. Ruplinger is pleased with the interest shown and the number of students already registered to attend JPII in the fall.
Classical Education is a growing trend in the country. “Parents of students in public, private and home schools are taking a closer look at the education their children are receiving,” says Paul Stark, a Founding Board member of JPII. Stark notes that JPII will focus on teaching students to learn how to learn by emphasizing the skills of grammar, music, arithmetic, logic and rhetoric. “We need to teach children of today to think for themselves instead of simply repeating what textbooks tell them they should know,” says Stark. “I challenge all parents to get involved in their children’s education and learn about the benefits of a Classical Education.”
We were blessed to get this quick snapshot of my family and I with Bishop Donald Hying at the reception following his Vesper Service on the eve of his ordination. The lines to greet him were loooong and the weather was steamy hot and everybody who was there wanted a picture with him. What a kind soul he is to put up with all of that!Imprisoned
It seems the decision is left to Kathleen Sebelius and Congress doesn't get a say which pretty much means everyone's getting contraception coverage.details at Creative Minority Report
The report raises the canard that an increase in contraception would lead to a decline in the number of abortions. And, of course, the Times passes this on uncritically as if this were indisputable despite every indication that the truth is the exact opposite.
In fact, this recommendation would require coverage of emergency contraceptives including pills like ella and Plan B which are abortifacients themselves. And there is no out clause for this requirement so it appears to me that Catholic and Christian institutions will be forced to cover contraceptive abortifacients and sterilization procedures.