Monday, October 31, 2011
Milwaukee's Fr. Jim Connell accuses Diocese of La Crosse of "putting children at risk" in LAX Trib
Require the related Essential Norms be audited along with the charter. While the charter is a profound, important and morally binding document, it does not actually stand as church law. The Essential Norms, however, has been approved by the Vatican as church law to assure diocesan compliance with the charter.
This audit issue regarding the Essential Norms is at the core of the concern I raised more than one year ago with the Diocese of La Crosse. According to its diocesan website, the standard of proof that their diocesan review board requires of a person making an allegation of clergy sexual abuse exceeds the standard of proof required by Church law. Because the review board is requiring more of the person making the allegation than is necessary, the possibility exists that the review board will determine that some allegations do not need to be forwarded to the Vatican that really should be sent, allowing priests or deacons who should be removed from ministry to actually continue in ministry. As a result of this incorrect standard of proof, I contend, children and young people in the Diocese of La Crosse could be at risk.
Last year Bishop Callahan stated after the annual third party audit on the diocese that "we have been audited by the Gavin Group, the Diocese of La Crosse received a “clean bill of health.”"
So is Fr.Connell calling Bp. Callahan a liar?
Wisconsin Family Action endorses Wisconsin Personhood
Wisconsin Family Action (WFA) has endorsed the Wisconsin Personhood Amendment, legislation that would amend the Wisconsin Constitution to apply personhood rights to preborn children at all stages of development. WFA is an associate of Focus on the Family. Click here for the WFA legislative memo urging co-sponsorship of the personhood amendment. Pro-Life Wisconsin agrees with WFA’s legal findings and conclusions.
Ironically, Clarke Forsythe of Americans United for Life - the pro-life attorney Wisconsin Right to Life brought in for their Day at the Capitol in February to oppose a personhood amendment in Wisconsin — seems to be warming up to the idea of personhood! Forsythe recently penned a column in the Washington Times entitled "Saving Personhood" in which he argues that "recognition of the personhood of the unborn child is a movement as old as English common law." According to Forsythe, "[s]tate protection of the unborn child as a person is no longer a novel thing. It grows year by year, state by state, and the public supports it."
For more information on the Wisconsin Personhood Amendment, please go to
This a big endorsement for WI Personhood. WFA lead the charge and is basically responsible for passing the Wisconsin Marriage Amendment, not to mention leading the charge to repeal the terrible sex-ed bill passed recently. A great organization with a fantastic track record.
Ironically, Clarke Forsythe of Americans United for Life - the pro-life attorney Wisconsin Right to Life brought in for their Day at the Capitol in February to oppose a personhood amendment in Wisconsin — seems to be warming up to the idea of personhood! Forsythe recently penned a column in the Washington Times entitled "Saving Personhood" in which he argues that "recognition of the personhood of the unborn child is a movement as old as English common law." According to Forsythe, "[s]tate protection of the unborn child as a person is no longer a novel thing. It grows year by year, state by state, and the public supports it."
For more information on the Wisconsin Personhood Amendment, please go to
This a big endorsement for WI Personhood. WFA lead the charge and is basically responsible for passing the Wisconsin Marriage Amendment, not to mention leading the charge to repeal the terrible sex-ed bill passed recently. A great organization with a fantastic track record.
UW Badger Catholic funding approved
A student government committee approved Badger Catholic's 2012-'13 budget in a meeting Thursday.Daily Cardinal
The Student Services Finance Committee passed the $160,300 budget after making minor amendments to the group's original proposed budget.
SSFC Chair Sarah Neibart said the committee approved the funding because Badger Catholic had a responsible fiscal budget.
"There were just a couple changes to salaries and advertising that were needed to make the budget as well as it could be," Neibart said.
Badger Catholic Chair Nico Fassino also spoke during Monday’s meeting and asked for an overall decrease in funding.Badger Herald
Fassino also apologized for an unintentional violation incident concerning bookkeeping later deemed to be minor by SSFC.
10 Best Beer States of 2011
7. Wisconsincontinue to Main Street to see the whole list
Number of breweries: 72
Capita per brewery: 78,986
Production in 2010: 4.8 million barrels
Consumed per capita in 2010: 26.3 gallons
The state roots on a first-place team named the Brewers, was the birthplace of iconic brands such as Pabst and is still home to not only the Miller cooling caves, museum and brewing facility, but MillerCoors' division offices. Combine that with a growing and increasingly vocal craft beer community and you have a state that's been a beer state since before the great-grandparents of University of Wisconsin freshmen were born.
Wisconsin residents drink the fifth-most beer per person in the U.S. and have the ninth-best ratio of residents per brewer in the country. Their commitment to Old World-style brewing is so great that Sprecher Brewing still adheres to the original German formulas, New Glarus brews in a facility that looks like an Alpine lodge nestled in the predominantly Swiss town of the same name and Miller still keeps Leinenkugel's "Leinie Lodge" facility intact after buying the brewer 23 years ago.
Why isn't Wisconsin ranked higher, then? Partly because of production that doesn't even crack the Top 10, but partly because of legislation passed this summer that protects Miller from A-B InBev encroachment that combines the brewer's permit and wholesale and retail licenses given out by municipalities into a single permit under state control and prohibits brewers from buying wholesale distributors. That's great for Miller, but just made life a whole lot more difficult for the more than 70 brewers in the state that aren't Miller who now have a much more difficult path to getting licenses and getting their product on shelves.
Wisconsin's total beer output grew only 0.2% during the past decade. Making life harder for most of your brewers for the sake of one doesn't seem like the best way to create growth.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Marian Symposium at Guadalupe Shrine
Apparently I've been slacking. These photos are from the Marian Symposium hosted at the Guadalupe Shrine a few weeks ago. As I said before, this is thee conference to attend at the Shrine. I met Mother Miriam(formerly Rosalind Moss of Catholic Answers), what a fantastic lady. I did not realize she was not able to found her order in the Arch. St. Louis, but Bishop Slattery welcomed her to Tulsa OK recently. Although she still does appear on Catholic Answers Live, I told her I missed her since Relevant Radio will not carry the program. I've thought of getting XM Radio to pick it up on EWTN radio. Okay, what else, oh, I love Bishop Ricken btw. Ah, and Dr. Miravalle is a deacon? I had no idea, he assisted at Mass. He didn't assist last year so this was news to me.
Side note: The Friars are offering a Low Mass for All Saints & All Souls Day next week, both at 5:30 pm.
Side note: The Friars are offering a Low Mass for All Saints & All Souls Day next week, both at 5:30 pm.
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Fr. Peter Fehlner |
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Friars of the Immaculate broadcasting on |
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Dr. Mark Miravalle |
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Bp. Ricken taking notes |
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Rosary before Mass |
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Fr. Angelo wins the award for greatest beard I've ever seen. |
"We discovered about 30 hymnals containing the Body of Christ" in MN parish
Having attended Mass at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton these past two weeks, you may have heard Fr. Cole or me address a situation that we have been made aware of over the past several weeks. Heartbroken and with tears in their eyes, we have been approached by parishioners with open hymnals. What has caused the tears has been their discovery of the Body of Christ, partially consumed, stuck between the pages of a hymnal. After another incident this past weekend, I invited our NET Team (National Evangelization Team assigned to SEAS) to open and search all of the hymnals. We discovered about 30 hymnals containing the Body of Christ.St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Hastings MN
At Mass we receive the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ. Jesus Christ gives His life—not to be placed within a book—but within our soul. In light of this desecration of the Holy Eucharist, our parish has suffered with Christ. Let’s remember Who we are receiving within the Consecrated Host.
I am sharing with you this sad information to remind us that not everyone respects the gift that Jesus Christ and His Church is giving to us. While we may be brought to tears literally— as have parishioners who have brought me these hymnals—please remember that when we miss Mass, we also risk misleading our children. Our absence at Mass may lead our children to think that Jesus is also absent in our worship.
To address this situation going forward, please teach by example. Honor the Holy Will of God and the Divine Gift of the Holy Eucharist and make the commitment now to never be absent from the celebration of Sunday Mass again. Regarding each of our liturgical ministries, special instructions are being given to our Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Eucharist, Ushers and Sacristans to address this heart-wrenching concern.
If you have any questions regarding this message, please feel free to speak to Fr. Cole, Megan Pleviak, our new Director of Worship, or myself.
Madison Diocese Office of Worship issues correction on Communion
Don’t stop ordering sacramental wine or sell your common chalices! Bishop Morlino has not “outlawed” Communion under both kinds and he has stated that he never will. Currently there is no diocesan plan or timetable regarding the Communion Rite.the entire letter at Madison Diocese
The reports from the Phoenix Diocese concerning the expiration of an indult regarding Communion under both kinds seem to have been mistaken. I have contacted the USCCB Secretariat for Divine Worship regarding this. While there was permission granted to the US Bishops for Communion under both kinds on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation (October 13, 1984), there was no time limit noted in the decree on file in the USCCB. My assumption is that this somehow was confused with another indult (regarding the purification of sacred vessels by EMHC) that expired and was not renewed around that same time. Unfortunately the internet has perpetuated this to the point that it is considered to be true, even though there is evidence to the contrary.
The current law (GIRM no. 283) is clear. The pertinent part says:
The Diocesan Bishop may establish norms for Communion under both kinds for his own diocese, which are also to be observed in churches of religious and at celebrations with small groups. The Diocesan Bishop is also given the faculty to permit Communion under both kinds whenever it may seem appropriate to the Priest to whom a community has been entrusted as its own shepherd, provided that the faithful have been well instructed and that there is no danger of profanation of the Sacrament or of the rite’s becoming difficult because of the large number of participants or for some other cause.
We tend to focus on the faculty “to permit whenever appropriate” and pass over “provided that the faithful have been well instructed and that there is no danger of profanation of the Sacrament…” The U. S. Norms (no. 24), which are the particular law for our nation, further state that the excessive use of EMHC, if it obscures the role of priest/deacon as ordinary minister of Holy Communion, may be a reason to limit Communion under both kinds.
The General Instruction of the Roman Missal is available online at . The Norms for the United States are online at . Both also are published in the front matter of the Roman Missal, third edition.
I am hoping to outline some questions for reflection for pastors and liturgical leaders to reflect and evaluate on some of the “conditions” mentioned above (as well as some other items). This won’t be done immediately, but will be a priority. In the meantime, you are free to move on this as you wish. If you are not prepared to give a serious catechesis on this, my suggestion would be to hold off a bit until this first becomes clearer in your mind (through study and prayer). I am certain that the Bishop wishes to move in this direction. I am equally certain that he is desirous that it is done well so that it deepens, rather than harms, the faith of your people and the unity of the Church.
more details at Fr. Z's
Brookfield parish's new athletic facility to be dedicated Sunday
St. Dominic Catholic Parish, 18255 W. Capitol Drive, Brookfield, will celebrate the completion of their Phase One Master Plan for Capital Improvements with a blessing and dedication with Bishop Donald Hying after the 9:00 a.m. Mass on Sunday, October 30, 2011.continue at BrookfieldNow
St. Dominic will also be having an open house Saturday, October 29 from 5:30-6:30 pm and Sunday from 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. to showcase their new facilities. St. Dominic Catholic Parish constructed a new 12,000 square foot athletic facility with 2 side- by-side basketball and volleyball competition courts and 4 basketball practice courts and 3 volleyball practice courts. Also featured in the athletic facility are 4 scoreboards, 2 large storage rooms, a new sound system, new bleacher seating and proudly displayed on the anchored resilient maple floor is the newly designed St. Dominic Knight Logo. The facility is fully air conditioned. Additional facility features are a new event lobby, team rooms, concessions area, offices and restrooms.
So do they have a school too, or is this just a parish center?
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Cdl. Burke to speak at Sterling Hights, MI Lenten Symposium
"The Christian Vocation: The Call to Martyrdom"
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Ss. Cyril & Methodius Slovak Catholic Church
41233 Ryan Rd. Sterling Heights MI 48314
Raymond L. Cardinal Burke – Prefect, Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura – Vatican
The Most Reverend Bernard A. Hebda – Bishop of Gaylord, Michigan – Topic: ‘White Martyrdom’
Rev. Msgr. John A. Abruzzese, S.T.D. – Vatican Official General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops, Topic: Becoming the Instrument of Your Martyrdom: Reflections on the Life and Spirituality of St. Francis de Sales
Fr. John G. Dumas – St. Isidore’s Catholic Church
Mother Margaret Georgina Patton, O.S.B. – Contemplative Nun – Abbey of Regina Laudis
Mother Olivia-Frances Arnold, O.S.B.- Contemplative Nun – Abbey of Regina Laudis
Details at Holy Trinity Apostolate
The Most Reverend Bernard A. Hebda – Bishop of Gaylord, Michigan – Topic: ‘White Martyrdom’
Rev. Msgr. John A. Abruzzese, S.T.D. – Vatican Official General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops, Topic: Becoming the Instrument of Your Martyrdom: Reflections on the Life and Spirituality of St. Francis de Sales
Fr. John G. Dumas – St. Isidore’s Catholic Church
Mother Margaret Georgina Patton, O.S.B. – Contemplative Nun – Abbey of Regina Laudis
Mother Olivia-Frances Arnold, O.S.B.- Contemplative Nun – Abbey of Regina Laudis
Details at Holy Trinity Apostolate
Milwaukee abortion workers dance in street after botched abortion
via Pro-Life Wisconsin
This past Friday, October 21, an ambulance rolled up to Affiliated Medical Services to take away yet another woman to a nearby hospital after a botched abortion. Abortionist Bernie Smith was reportedly on duty.
AMS staff can be seen laughing, dancing and doing the limbo as the woman was taken away. One AMS staffer even threatened vigilers, saying, “You’re lucky it isn’t you in the hospital.”
AMS’s consent forms (available publicly on their website, snippet below) state, in part, “Complications, including death, may occur.”
Those who lobby for abortion’s legality claim that if abortion were made illegal, women would have to resort to dirty, back-alley abortions. But the reverse has actually happened — as was sadly illustrated with Kermit Gosnell’s “House of Horrors” abortuary in Philadelphia, the dirty, back-alley abortions are legal and no one is watching.
This is at least the third time this year an ambulance has arrived at AMS after a botched abortion; sidewalk counselors recorded two separate ambulance visits on April 8. Abortion facilities in Milwaukee are not subject to health inspections. Some days the smell of death — blood and flesh — can be smelled wafting out of AMS when the staff open the doors.
AMS has been the site of 40 Days for Life for three years now. Sidewalk counselors and prayer warriors are present at AMS year-round as well. 40 Days vigilers were in front of AMS when this occurred.
Women have been taken to Columbia St. Mary’s after botched abortions, forcing a Catholic hospital and staff to clean up the abortionist’s mess.
This past Friday, October 21, an ambulance rolled up to Affiliated Medical Services to take away yet another woman to a nearby hospital after a botched abortion. Abortionist Bernie Smith was reportedly on duty.
AMS staff can be seen laughing, dancing and doing the limbo as the woman was taken away. One AMS staffer even threatened vigilers, saying, “You’re lucky it isn’t you in the hospital.”
AMS’s consent forms (available publicly on their website, snippet below) state, in part, “Complications, including death, may occur.”
Those who lobby for abortion’s legality claim that if abortion were made illegal, women would have to resort to dirty, back-alley abortions. But the reverse has actually happened — as was sadly illustrated with Kermit Gosnell’s “House of Horrors” abortuary in Philadelphia, the dirty, back-alley abortions are legal and no one is watching.
This is at least the third time this year an ambulance has arrived at AMS after a botched abortion; sidewalk counselors recorded two separate ambulance visits on April 8. Abortion facilities in Milwaukee are not subject to health inspections. Some days the smell of death — blood and flesh — can be smelled wafting out of AMS when the staff open the doors.
AMS has been the site of 40 Days for Life for three years now. Sidewalk counselors and prayer warriors are present at AMS year-round as well. 40 Days vigilers were in front of AMS when this occurred.
Women have been taken to Columbia St. Mary’s after botched abortions, forcing a Catholic hospital and staff to clean up the abortionist’s mess.
Arch. Milwaukee issues correction on pension funds
On Tuesday, October 25, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel ran an article titled, “Milwaukee pension funds fall short.” On the same day, they printed an opinion article on the “perspectives” page written by Fr. Jim Connell of the archdiocese. We have posted additional information related to both of these articles on the archdiocesan website.
You may access more information about the pension fund article here.
You may access more information about Fr. Connell’s opinion piece here.
If you have questions or concerns about either column, please contact us at
Jerry Topczewski
Chief of Staff
Archdiocese of Milwaukee
Campos-Duffy: Mom of eight explains why she shouldn’t have any kids
Brave or foolish? My six kids and I leave our home and visit the House.continue at Catholic Vote
In her excellent blog, “Why I never should have had eight children”, Leila Miller gives a spot on depiction of both the scorn and the sainting mothers of big families face from a culture that is utterly confused by why any sane woman in an age of readily available birth control would put herself through such a needless ordeal.
There are the nosey environmentalists who disapprovingly count my carbon footprints as they spill out of my minivan at the mall. And how many times have well-intentioned friends asked me if I think it’s “fair” on the children I already have to have another baby? And yet, how many times have my husband and I looked at each other across the room, six pleading, whining, crying children between us, and wondered how we got here, what have we done, and what would social services think if they walked in at that moment.
Sean Duffy's seat is up for re-election in 2012.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Milwaukee archdiocese pension funds fall short $41.8 million
Three pension funds operated by the Archdiocese of Milwaukee for priests, lay employees and unionized cemetery workers have unfunded liabilities totaling $41.8 million, according to documents filed as part of the archdiocese's bankruptcy proceedings.continue at MJS
The gap between current assets and future payouts for the priest and lay workers' pensions - at 9.6% and 16.9%, respectively - fall within reasonable ranges given the economic conditions of the last few years, according to pension experts.
But the size of the lay workers' pension liability (at $37.4 million) and the funding level of the cemetery workers' pension (55% - with $1.3 million in assets and a $1 million unfunded liability) raise concerns about the health and future of those benefits, pension experts say.
"Anything funded below 80%, you'd have to look at, but a large gap is cause for concern, said Eric Loi, staff attorney for the Pension Rights Center, a consumer advocacy group in Washington, D.C.
Archdiocese spokeswoman Julie Wolf blamed the shortfalls on poor investment returns and said in a statement that there is "no current cause for concern for employees."
"All benefits have been timely paid, and it is clear that the plans will continue to pay all benefits payable in the immediate future," she said.
The pension liabilities are laid out in claims filed last week against the assets of the archdiocese. They are among 160 claims totaling $123.4 million filed to date by creditors in the church's Chapter 11 bankruptcy. In this case, it is the archdiocese itself and the pension trustees making the claims to protect the pensions.
Origin of the "Hail Mary Pass"
I agree with Brian at MCH that the term "Hail Mary Pass" is a cliché, but at least it is our cliché. Here's the origin of the term.
"Who is she that cometh forth as the morning rising, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, terrible as an army set in array?"
... if you keep watching you can see the Viking fans hit an official in the head with a whiskey bottle.
It is really cool to see the Vikings playing outdoors though.
Doesn't the broadcaster sound like long time Packers radio sportcaster Jim Irwin?
In the Dallas/Minnesota 1975 NFL playoff game, the Cowboys started with the ball on their own 15-yard line, trailing 14-10, with one minute and fifty-one seconds left in the fourth quarter. Cowboys quarterback Roger Staubach(a staunch Catholic) managed a nine-play drive to midfield against the Minnesota Vikings defense. From midfield, with 24 seconds now remaining, Staubach lined up in the shotgun formation, took the snap, pump-faked left, then turned to his right and threw a desperation pass to wide receiver Drew Pearson, who was being covered by Minnesota Vikings cornerback Nate Wright. Wright was pushed in the back and fell to the ground and Pearson was barely able to complete the catch by trapping the ball against his right hip at the 5-yard line and backing into the end zone to make the score 16-14 in favor of Dallas, and what would eventually be the winning touchdown. In a later interview with Pearson, he stated that he thought he dropped the ball only to find it against his hip and then just waltzed right into the end zone.You may know Badgers football suffered the losing end of one of these plays on Saturday. I'm told LarryD may have said a Hail Mary. If the two teams match up again in the championship game, I'll be sure to pray that he falls asleep rendering him unable to invoke the Theotokos.
The term "Hail Mary pass" was used by Roger Staubach following the game in a post-game interview. Previous to this play, a last-second desperation pass had been called several names, most notably the "Alley-Oop". Staubach, who had been hit immediately after throwing the ball and didn't see its ending, was asked about the play and he said, "You mean [Pearson] caught the ball and ran in for the touchdown? It was just a Hail Mary pass; a very, very lucky play." Staubach told reporters "I closed my eyes and said a Hail Mary". This was among the plays by Roger Staubach that enhanced his fame and legend as noted in NFL.
"Who is she that cometh forth as the morning rising, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, terrible as an army set in array?"
... if you keep watching you can see the Viking fans hit an official in the head with a whiskey bottle.
It is really cool to see the Vikings playing outdoors though.
Doesn't the broadcaster sound like long time Packers radio sportcaster Jim Irwin?
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Wisconsin Catholic hospitals partner with abortion-training medical college
The Medical College of Wisconsin, as of this fall, is now training ob/gyn medical residents in abortion procedures. MCW has partnered with the Ryan Residency Program, a George Soros-funded “initiative” to push abortion training into medical schools. A 2010 New York Times article revealed that the new frontier was training ob/gyn medical students in abortions, to bring abortion into every doctor’s office in the U.S.
We already know that MCW uses aborted fetal body parts in research and uses embryonic stem cells in research.
MCW is a private college (unlike UW-Madison, which is state-funded), so state laws regarding the use of state funds in abortions do not apply.
MCW partners with Columbia St. Mary’s and St. Joe’s Hospital in Waukesha for its family residency program. It is disappointing these hospitals have not withdrawn from the MCW program, as both the hospitals and the Archdiocese have been made aware of what is occurring at MCW.
We already know that MCW uses aborted fetal body parts in research and uses embryonic stem cells in research.
MCW is a private college (unlike UW-Madison, which is state-funded), so state laws regarding the use of state funds in abortions do not apply.
MCW partners with Columbia St. Mary’s and St. Joe’s Hospital in Waukesha for its family residency program. It is disappointing these hospitals have not withdrawn from the MCW program, as both the hospitals and the Archdiocese have been made aware of what is occurring at MCW.
Milwaukee seminarians battle for St. Lawrence Cup
Catholic and Episcopal seminarians will take to the gridiron for annual flag football battle for the St. Lawrence Cup between the St. Francis De Sales Shoremen and Nashotah House Knights at 3 p.m. Sunday at Thomas More High School.MJS Annysa
The Catholic Shoremen are looking to make it three in a row, says Ryan Pruess, a 6-1, 325-pound offensive lineman. But Knights Coach Jason Murbarger promises to knock them off with receivers “more nimble than the mind of Thomas Aquinas”[LOL] and a former All-American quarterback.”
For the record, that’s Tony “the arm” Blything. He’s not technically an “All-American,” says Murbarger. “But he was born in America, and he did play high school baseball.”
The trash talk tends to be tame. (Who needs to dish dirt when you can invoke the saints?) [Haha]
“Last year, one of the announcers called them Protestants — they prefer Anglo-catholiclowercase c here — and they didn’t appreciate that,” said Pruess. “So they called us Papists.”
Great writeup!!! I hope the seminarians don't mind being called Papists. Some of us quite enjoy the description.
Sts. Crispin and Crispinian, ora pro nobis!
I wonder if A and K still follow the BC... The feast was made famous by Shakespeare's epic speech in Henry V at the Battle of Agincourt. Crispin and Crispinian were twin brothers who were martyred in the early Church. The feast was removed from the General Calendar following the Vatican II liturgical reforms.
Makes me feel like standing up on a beer barrel and giving this speech to Sconnies as to how we will pass Personhood in Wisconsin.
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Martyrdom of SS Crispin and Crispinian |
Makes me feel like standing up on a beer barrel and giving this speech to Sconnies as to how we will pass Personhood in Wisconsin.
Holy Spirit!
You never know what to expect of prayer, especially when praying with a large group, and most especially when that prayer involves Mass.mystagogy
I was at Mass today at the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe . The chapel was packed. The Shrine was hosting a convention for health care providers (which I had been unaware of) and Bishop Callhan was there to celebrate. It was great to see so many people worshipping on a Saturday afternoon.
Everything moved on as expected until after the Eucharistic prayers were ended. Within moments, while my head was still bowed in prayer, I was surprised by a blare of noise and bright flashing lights.
It was the fire alarm.
In a moment that made me proud to be one with my Catholic brothers and sisters, nobody moved. There was no way. It was almost time to receive Eucharist. God would take care of us.
The alarm continued for a bit, but still we waited. When it was finally silenced, Mass resumed as though nothing had happened.
After Mass, the Bishop couldn’t resist. He turned to us and said, “I always tell people to pray with intensity to bring down the fire of the Holy Spirit. You did it!”
I guess we did.
Leaving, I saw a fireman. I wondered how frustrated he must’ve been when nobody would leave.
Maybe he’s Catholic. If he is, he understands.
UW back after Badger Catholic Student Org
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Dinesh D’Souza debates atheist at UW |
University of Wisconsin student government members deliberated a request Monday night by the Multicultural Student Center to alter over $5,000 of the organization’s initial budget, which the Student Services Finance Committee chair ultimately denied.Badger Herald
MCSC representatives said they wanted to move the money from funding direct services for students to provide for traveling expenditures and fees for the organization’s trainers.
SSFC Chair Sarah Neibart said she decided to deny the budget altercation as she read the application because the budget proposal was inconsistent from what the committee had approved the previous fall.
During its Thursday meeting, SSFC is expected to take up a possible violation from the religious student organization Badger Catholic.
I see they have a new website as well. You might recognize the location of the picture.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Wisconsin Personhood seeks co-sponsorship in state assembly
On Wednesday State Representative Andre Jacque (R-Green Bay) began circulating for co-sponsorship the Wisconsin Personhood Amendment, legislation that would amend the Wisconsin Constitution to apply personhood rights to preborn children at all stages of development. Click here to read the amendment language, and click here to view PLW’s legislative you can help at Pro-Life Wisconsin
From a pro-life perspective, the Wisconsin Constitution contains a glaring error at its outset. In specifying the beneficiaries of its human rights, our state constitution leaves out the preborn. It applies rights to only those people who are “born.”
Representative Jacque is proposing a minimal but absolutely essential correction, a personhood amendment, to make the Wisconsin Constitution cover all people, every person, at any stage of development. The amendment seeks to extend the inalienable right to life found in the Wisconsin Constitution to all preborn children from the beginning of their lives.
Should Roe v. Wade be overturned someday and the abortion issue remanded to the states, an activist Wisconsin Supreme Court could use the word “born” in our current state constitution to deny the right to life of the preborn by interpreting an independent right to abortion in that document. In so doing, the court could nullify any present or future pro-life laws in our state. The changing makeup of the Wisconsin Legislature could also jeopardize any pro-life laws in our state. Every two years our state election process determines the majority party in Madison. Legal protection of the preborn should not (and must not) be contingent upon which party controls the state legislature. The right to life should not be subject to the whims of a politicized supreme court or an ever-changing legislature.
The introduction of the Wisconsin Personhood Amendment is a watershed moment in the history of the pro-life movement in our state. It seeks to end abortion in Wisconsin, not to regulate or restrict it. We have been working toward the introduction of such an amendment for the last five years, and we thank Representative Jacque for demonstrating the courage of his convictions in finally making it a reality.
The personhood amendment will face stiff opposition from the pro-abortion industry. Shockingly, the strongest opposition to the bill at this point is coming from Wisconsin Right to Life (WRL). In February WRL published a position paper vowing to oppose any effort to grant Wisconsin’s pre-born babies full constitutional rights as persons, labeling such efforts a “threat to [the] protection of Wisconsin unborn children.” They worked hard to ensure a personhood amendment was never introduced. Having failed in that effort, they are now calling every state legislator demanding that they not sign on to the bill. WRL admits that their legal reasoning for opposing a state personhood amendment is speculative. WRL offers no case law to back up their asserted problems, admitting that they are only “probable”. Pro-Life Wisconsin, on the other hand, offers recent Wisconsin case law clearly demonstrating that the proposed amendment is not a risk to our current, pre-Roe abortion law (Section 940.04, Wisconsin Statutes) by “implied repeal” or otherwise. Click here for PLW’s legal analysis rebutting their misguided objections.
The pro-life movement is founded on the bedrock principle that all human beings, at all stages of their development, deserve full protection under the law. Why oppose proactive people of good will endeavoring to provide full and lasting legal protection for preborn children? Pro-Life Wisconsin remains committed to constitutionally protecting Wisconsin’s preborn children, regardless of opposition from the abortion industry or from within the right to life movement.
Find a good home for vestments from disbanded Cistercians
It appears there are several other items of interest from the abbey that might be of interest. The website is a bit hokey, but you should be able to search if you are interested.
PART TWO ~ Spring Bank Monastery, the Spirit Continues.
Bp. David Ricken: Reclaiming sexual health
During the recent Clergy Congress, Elizabeth Ministry International Retreat and Resource Center, located in Kaukauna, made a presentation about local efforts to bring awareness to the problems of addiction to pornography and its devastating effects on men, women, youth and families.continue at The Compass
We are in the midst of a world-wide pandemic that is claiming the physical, spiritual, emotional and social lives of many millions of people. It is destroying marriages and devastating families. It separates individuals from God and is at the polar opposite of everything that brings true peace and happiness. What is this pandemic? Pornography and its primary delivery system is the Internet!
North American statistics indicate that porn makes more money than Hollywood at the box office; more than the sum of NBC's, CBS's and ABC's revenues; more than the music industry generates from record sales; and more than all major professional sports in the United States combined. It is estimated that 60 percent of Christian men and 30 percent of Christian women are addicted to pornography.
In 56 percent of divorces in the United States "an obsessive interest in Internet pornography" was a significant factor. A survey conducted among U.S. Christians revealed that 50 percent of men and 20 percent of women struggled with pornography use. Fifty-one percent of pastors say Internet porn is a temptation and 37 percent say it is a current struggle. Every year, millions of Christians are caught off guard and become hopelessly addicted.
Pornography undermines human dignity. It goes against God's plan for the body and the intimacy of sexual union in marriage. We must learn more about this scourge and its effects on families and offer concrete ways to offer hope and healing.
It's very important to understand that those who become trapped in pornography addiction and other unwanted sexual behaviors are not evil, broken or a lost cause. In fact, the profile of an Internet pornography addict is intelligent, sensitive and spiritual. There's a logical brain-science explanation behind their struggles. Pornography viewing triggers the brain into releasing a tidal wave of internal chemicals, including dopamine, endorphins, norepinephrine and more. The effect on the brain is very similar to street drug use, and can quickly create a literal "chemical dependency."
In reality, Internet pornography is electronic cocaine. These are good, valuable human beings who have developed a dependency on an extremely powerful brain-chemical-releasing activity for escape, self-medication and pleasure. This is not unlike an addiction to alcohol, drugs, food or any other personal "drug of choice."
It is fantastic to see His Excellency tackle publicly this issue!
Bp. Christensen among bishops studying the impact of border issues
Eight Roman Catholic bishops are in El Paso to study the effects of immigration, human trafficking and the violence in Juárez and what impact they are having on the local diocese.El Paso Times
But more important, the bishops, who arrived on Wednesday, are here to help the El Paso Diocese financially.
"It is the first time that we have all these bishops visit," said Bishop Armando X. Ochoa of El Paso. "They approached me at our summer meeting about wanting to come and have the opportunity to get a flavor of what is happening on the border region."
The bishops make up the Subcommittee on the Home Missions, a group of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, that awards about $8å million each year in grants to many "mission" dioceses and parishes.
Mission dioceses are dioceses and parishes in the United States that can't provide basic pastoral services without outside help, according to the subcommittee Website. El Paso is one of those mission dioceses.
The Most Rev. Michael W. Warfel, bishop of the Diocese of Great Falls and Billings, Mont., and committee chairman, said the group likes to visit different dioceses each year.
The visiting bishops are the Most Rev. Peter F. Christensen, bishop of Superior, Wis.; the Most Rev. Paul S. Coakley, bishop of Salina, Kan.; the Most Rev. Curtis J. Guillory, bishop of Beaumont; the Most Rev. Thomas Olmstead, bishop of Phoenix; the Most Rev. Stefan Soroka, archbishop of the Archeparchy of Philadelphia for Ukrainians; the Most Rev. Robert F. Vasa, bishop of Baker, Ore.; and the Most Rev. Joe S. Vasquez, bishop of Austin.
"Crucifield ghoul" in Hopkins, MN to protest Marriage Amendment
A lady called the office Thursday to report a home in Minnetonka near Hopkins on Minnetonka Blvd, just west of Hwy 169 (at Chippewa Road) that the Halloween decorations at the home include a "crucified "death's head" ghoul (dressed in modern clothing), and an OutFrontMN campaign sign for the Marriage Protection Amendment campaign.
I drove out and took a few pictures.
In a way, it might be difficult to beat them on the "blasphemy" charge, but since they scream "homophobe" and "hatespeech" at the drop of a hat, why can't we? I'd be willing to go to the Minnetonka City Council meeting to raise the issue.
You know that if it were a Black person or Muhammad on that cross, this would be national news!
And I'm pretty sure that "Chippewa" is a derogatory word to Ojibway/Anishinbe Native Americans.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Happy Birthday Badger Catholics!
Two years old! Aaawwww, they grow up so fast. I noticed last year Larry D and I were talking Big Ten football as well. Our good patron, that glorious Franciscan St. John Capistrano, has his feast suppressed today in the new calendar since it is on a Sunday.
As the battle rages on, cheers and slainte!
Kapisztrán Szent János, ora pro nobis!!
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Bustin a Cap-istrano |
Kapisztrán Szent János, ora pro nobis!!
Friday, October 21, 2011
If I were running for parish council....
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Someone's gotta be the dude. |
Matt Korger is married to his wife Hollie of three years. They have two sons and another baby on the way.[This guy is obviously not familiar with environmentalism and overpopulation..] They live on the south side of La Crosse. Matt works as an Analyst at SAP in downtown La Crosse and does website work on the side.[A geek, just what we need] He began attending Cathedral while attending Western Tech College for Web Programming[does that unwashed miscreant think that kind of "education" (LOL) is something to make public?] and has been a member for around 10 years. He joined in response to a bulletin ad reminding visitors to join if they attended Cathedral regularly. At Cathedral he helps with website work[have you seen the website? Terrible! Can we elect to kick him out of the parish], fills in as altar server, and sings in the First Friday Latin Mass choir. [Latin?? umm...] Matt describes himself as a traditionalist[OMG, you can NOT be serious! Haven't we got rid of these looneys yet? Get with the times, grandpa!]. He also manages the The Badger Catholic blog. [probably a hate monger and a bigot, trying to oppress women, especially those seeking ordination]To my delight I lost again. I've been too busy, but I was going to write an even "worse" bio, talking about instituting a weekly Traditional Latin Mass, restoration of the interior, reduction of communion ministers, placement of the tabernacle, you name it, all those kinds of things. Something for everyone to dislike. I once offended someone from the parish by complaining about how hideous the Milwaukee Cathedral was. It makes me feel like I should have entrance music like a WWF wrestler when I walk into a room, bad guy music.
In other news, we are successfully transitioning to our new home in La Crosse this week. I would like to be at the Pro-Life Wisconsin Auction Dinner this weekend and meet Walter Hoye but we are tied up. Things are going well in that regard despite the fact we still haven't sold our previous house. I think we will pray another novena to St. Joseph, or burn the house down and take the insurance money. I haven't really decided yet.
With the house stuff clearing up I'm hoping to write a few posts I've been thinking about, like one on how to go about parish shopping and another on why I ended up going traddie. I've got a rant or two up my sleeve.
I'm doing some brainstorming on Badger Catholic 2.0. I may be bouncing some ideas off of you my beloved readers. Even you readers who can't stand me but want to know what's going on in Sconnie-land.
I think I'm recovering well from the end of the Brewers season, although the thought of Bob Uecker retiring sends me into a frenzy. I'll just busy myself with unpacking and Badgers/Michigan St. so as not to think about it. Oh, and did you know Michigan was voted the #1 Catholic blogging state?
UW Badger Catholic "Night On the Town"
Badger Catholic will be putting on it's 2nd annual date auction to raise money in an effort to subsidize the cost of Break Service Trips put on by the Badger Catholic Service Team!details at UW Badger Catholic
Event Info:
November 4, 2011 7-11pm
Gordon Commons
... Hors d'oeuvre, Auction, and Dancing
$2 Entrance Fee
This "Date Night" is an awesome opportunity for girls and guys to hangout, get to know each other, and enjoy an evening out on the town together.
This is how it works: 3 guys will get together and plan a date evening for three lovely ladies. The date should include a dinner of some sort and a fun, creative activity!
HOWEVER - be sure to keep your identity under wraps as the ladies will be bidding solely on the description of your "date" be CREATIVE!! Guys, also please remember that splitting the cost of the date between group members is your contribution to the fundraiser!
The guys' groups are due FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22nd and descriptions are due FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28th!!!!
Once the dates have been planned, all guys and girls will get together on Nov. 4th at 7pm in Gordon Commons for the Date Auction ($2 entry fee per person), which includes appetizers, dancing, and a live auction for the dates! So ladies will also form groups of 3 to bid on the date description you think sounds best! Girls will then be introduced to the guys providing the date and the group of 6 will get together on a later day for their night on the town! :)
related AOM: Stop Hanging Out With Women and Start Dating Them
Art of Manliness: 30 Days to a Better Man
During the month of June 2009, The Art of Manliness ran a series of posts called “30 Days to a Better Man.” Each day we created a task for Art of Manliness readers to complete that would help them improve in different facets of their lives such as relationships, fitness and health, career, and personal finances.continue at ArtofMan
We also had a very active Better Man Community Group where participants reported in how they did on the task and gave suggestions and encouragement to other members. Over all, I was very happy with the project and feel that lots of men got something out of it.
Below, we’ve created a summary of the entire month’s tasks, with links to each individual day. If you started the challenge late or you’re a new reader, this list will help you navigate through each day’s tasks.
Also, at the recommendation of several readers, I’m working on putting this series into a well polished PDF eBook. That way you can have the tasks all in one place that’s formatted for easy reading. You can even print it off so you can read it on the John.
The task list includes "Write Your Own Eulogy" "Write a Love Letter" and "Take the Marine Corps Fitness Test." I'm going to do this.
Madison clinic offers free primary care for uninsured
MADISON (WKOW) -- A local clinic is offering free care for those without insurance.WKOW 27
Our Lady of Hope clinic holds walk-in hours for uninsured patients at least twice a week.
It's a unique approach called concierge medicine. Benefactors pay a set amount for healthcare year-round, which in turn, pays for the uninsured.
Doctors say they saw a need in the Madison-area. According to the latest statistics from the 2009 American Community Survey by the U.S. Census Bureau, 9.4% of people in Wisconsin are uninsured.
In Dane County, the number is 6.8%. In Rock County, it's 9.8%. In Milwaukee, it's 12.9%.
Dr. Michael Kloess, who established the clinic along with Dr. Anne Volk Johnson, said, "The problem you run into, is they don't receive primary care. Then they end up in the ER, with a stroke, or a heart attack, which could have been easily prevented."
Kenneth Waites heads to Our Lady of Hope Clinic while he looks for a job. He said he lost his job last October, and along with that, his family's health insurance.
Waites said, "Without this place.. I don't know what I would have done. It's a god-send."
Bobby Peterson works for ABC for Health Inc, in Madison, a non profit public interest law firm that guides people through the healthcare system.
He says he's also seen the impact being uninsured can have on people.
Peterson said, "You delay going to see the doctor, and that leads to expensive care... We're still feeling the effects of the great recession.... so its tough out there."
Our Lady of Hope Clinic holds walk-in hours every Monday, Tuesday, every Thursday afternoon, and every other Friday morning.
Costs vary to be a benefactor, but it costs the average person about $1200 dollars. Costs are different for families and also depend on age.
There are other clinics in the Madison area that provide this care, and hospitals have programs for those who need help as well.
Greenville WI parish dedicates memorial for babies lost to miscarriage
Sept 11, 2011, the St. Mary of the Immaculate Conception Parish, in Greenville, WI dedicated their Miscarriage Memorial. The Memorial lists the names and dates of children who have died before birth, and provides families a place to remember and mourn. There are also plots available to bury the remains of infants who are lost later in pregnancy. By providing this burial location for children who die before birth, we acknowledge that they are not medical waste, but human beings deserving of dignity and respect. As Catholics we believe that all people are deserving of life from conception to natural death, and this Memorial affirms this belief.details at Pro-Life Wisconsin
Thursday, October 20, 2011
TheCompass: Suamico family hosts ninth annual outdoor rosary
SUAMICO — When the calendar turns to October, it's family rosary time on the Kontny estate. However, this is not your everyday family rosary. For nearly a decade, Hank and Monica Kontny have hosted a candlelit living rosary on their four acres on the west side of Green Bay for several hundred people.continue at The Compass
"It came out of my deep love for our Lady," noted Monica. "I just wanted to do something special."
As she reminisced about that first rosary nine years ago, she recalled that they barely had enough people to make the 50 beads that form this living rosary. This year's event, held on the first Saturday of the month, saw enough people to pray all 20 decades (the traditional 15, plus the five luminous mysteries).
Deacon Bob Ellis of Ss. Peter and Paul Parish in Green Bay served as the night's unofficial master of ceremonies. He began by leading the crowd with the singing of "Ave Maria" as the Knights of Columbus in full regalia led a Marian procession into the center of the crowd. They were followed by the Little Flower Society of St. Thèrése, which consisted of young girls dressed in white first Communion dresses. As they processed across the lawn, the girls tossed rose petals to the ground in preparation for the arrival of the statue of the Blessed Mother.
"Nights like this are important because it's a public display of faith," Deacon Ellis told The Compass. "Mrs. Kontny invites everyone and it gets everyone turning to God and praying."
Milwaukee Catholic Charities gets White House's ear
Representatives from Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee will take part in a community leaders briefing Friday morning at the White House. Executive Director James Brennan and Operations Services Director Sister Toni Gradisnik will join Catholic Charities representatives from around the country for the gathering, where they’ll discuss their programs and the challenges they face as non-profit human service agencies.MJS
The meeting is expected to include presentations by, among others, the White House Office of Public Engagement and the Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships. While in Washington, Brennan and Gradisnik will meet with Catholic Charities USA advocacy staff and celebrate Mass with Cardinal Theodore McCarrick.
When you see "White House Office of Public Engagement and the Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships" as it regards to Catholic entities, read "Sr. Marlene Weisenbeck."
Maybe this will be the big announcement that Obama is now mandating female "priests" to the Catholic Church.
Green Bay Packers offer game-day support to charities
» The Midwest Shrine game, in which the Packers present a donation to the Shrine Tripoli Temple, which operates Shriners Hospitals for Children, during a preseason game. The team has donated more than $3 million.more at GB Press Gazette
» Bishop's Charities game, a donation is made to the Catholic Diocese of Green Bay during a preseason game. About $3.5 million has been donated.
» Coats for Kids. The Packers host a Salvation Army Coats for Kids collection prior to a regular-season game. About 2,775 coats have been donated in the past decade.
» Breast Cancer Awareness Month recognition. The team dons various pieces of pink equipment, and pink ribbons and towels are handed out to fans in recognition of the month.
» Concession stand efforts. Area nonprofit groups volunteer their time to staff concession stands for home games. Donations totaling more than $780,000 were given to 70 nonprofits during the 2010 season.
» Sargento Touchdowns for Charity. For nine years, the company has donated funds for touchdowns scored during home games, raising more than $675,000 for Wisconsin food charities.
Anybody else think it's funny the two largest charities are Catholics and Freemasons?
WRTL urges Wis. Legislature not to support Personhood
Pro-lifers, read the arguments on both sides. But what is telling is that WRTL does not offer any alternative, nothing, as to how we could grant the unborn legal protection under law. I think the WRTL argument is weak, and saying that it would "cost too much" to enact? If it worked, ....wouldn't the money be worth it?From: Barbara Lyons []
Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2011 11:43 AM
To: 'Wisconsin Right To Life'
Subject: MemoDear Members of the Wisconsin Legislature,
Wisconsin Right to Life urges you not to co-sponsor LRB 2859/1 [Personhood Amendment - she decided not to use the word Personhood in the email...], a proposed amendment to the State Constitution being circulated by Rep. Andre Jacque. Despite Rep. Jacque’s sincere intentions, the language of the amendment does not rectify the inherent problems with such an approach in Wisconsin.
1. There is no way that Rep. Jacque can prevent a legal challenge to this amendment and it will be struck down under Roe v. Wade.
2. Implied repeal of s.940.04 is not the major problem created by the amendment. The amendment would be viewed as in conflict with s. 940.04 and the latter law passed, the amendment, will be the prevailing law negating the effect of s. 940.04. Prosecutors will be left with no means to bring charges against a person who performs an abortion because the amendment does not create a crime or apply penalties. A future legislature, if it is willing, would have to pass a new law prohibiting abortion, having negated the one we already have.
More extensive information can be found at Please do not hesitate to call if you have questions.Barbara L. LyonsExecutive DirectorWisconsin Right to
I've said it before, I'm on the outside looking in, but from where I sit, the "Right to Life" organizations in the US seem to be more worried about the fact Personhood could infringe on contraceptive methods which also cause abortions.
The short explaination:
Our proposed personhood amendment is not intended, or worded, as a challenge to Roe, or as an attempt to define personhood under the 14th Amendment. It seeks only to bring into the Wisconsin constitution a true definition of human life as endorsed by Wisconsin citizens speaking through the amendment process. We recognize that its protections cannot be fully effective as long as Roe remains law, but we believe a proper definition of personhood should be in place should Wisconsin be freed from the effects of that noxious decision.For more details check out this Pro-Life Wisconsin doc, or check out the new Personhood Wisconsin website.
PLW does not believe, nor does it expect legislators to believe, that an amendment to the Wisconsin Constitution can remedy the federal tyranny of Roe v. Wade and its pernicious progeny. Still, Wisconsin can honestly state its intention to guard the humanity of all its citizens, including the pre-born, should that be made possible by the reversal of Roe. That is the purpose of our personhood amendment. The foregoing speculations are based on the inapplicable assumption that a personhood amendment challenges or conflicts with existing federal law based on Roe v. Wade. Again, PLW’s personhood amendment accepts Roe as a given, so its definition of personhood cannot be viewed as contravening Roe. No one could attack the amendment based on their rights under Roe.
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